You Don't Wanna Miss This

We're about to pick our finalists for the project. Its a tough pick. So many submissions. So many wonderful people I can't wait to meet, and to share this experience with.

But we're still asking for more!

I know, crazy talk.

But some people haven't submitted yet! We're eager to have you here. To join us on to be part of something incredible. Something BIG. Something that will make a difference. We need you to submit, to join us on our mission, our adventure our journey.

By MIDNIGHT TONIGHT Eastern Time we're closing our submissions! Tomorrow we'll be making the calls. How exciting! Just a few..more...hours.

We can't wait to see all these beautiful parks. To experience all they have to offer and to benefit from their beauty, and the beauty of dance.

There is so much to see and so much to do! So little time.. 

Only 48 Days left until we take off.. Only a couple of hours until the submissions are set!

We're ready to Dance our way across the USA.

Are You?...